Thursday, June 24, 2010

Get Involved in Pa. Historic Preservation

A colleague of mine passed this information on to me. I in turn cleared the matter with the state, and am passing it on to you, my readers.
If you are concerned about historic preservation, now is a good time to get involved--at least if you are a Pennsylvania resident or you work in the state.
The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, in its role as the State Historic Preservation Office, is currently working to prepare a statewide preservation plan which will cover the years 2012-2017.
You can be a party to this process. Just sign up for and take the Pennsylvania Community Preservation Survey. If you'd like to do additional volunteer work, there's space on the online form to add that information. And urge your friends and colleagues to follow your lead on this important public issue.
The survey form is online at

For further information, contact Scott Doyle at (717) 783-6012 ( or Andrea MacDonald (717) 787-4215 (

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