Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Other Blogs You Might Like

I've been trolling the internet, looking for other state-oriented blogs and bloggers you might find of interest. Try Alan Kassirer's The Pennsylvania Wanderer, Kassirer, of Harrisburg, likes to travel and write about the people he encounters, in Pennsylvania and out. He also has a couple of special interests, cigars and wines. A very interesting production.
So is Lancaster from the Innside,, a production of Jan and Bruce Garrabrandt. These artists and innkeepers have a beautiful site which also promotes their businesses. When I found it, it had a wonderful picture essay on pumpkins. You will be surprised at how many kinds of pumpkins there are, and how colorful and exotic they can be. But at the base of it all is the bright orange field pumpkin which brightens our autumn fields, provides the basis for the ubiquit0us jack-o-lantern, and often winds up on our tables as soup or pie. The photo essay has a wonderful Pennsylvania feel to it.
I myself will be following both these blogs. I hope you enjoy them too.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the mention! We love sharing our little corner of Lancaster County, in hosting folks, through artwork, and in the blog.

    Jan and Bruce Garrabrandt
